Gallery hop and Wine reception | Downtown-East Vancouver

June 22, 2024 at CICA, Centre A and THIS gallery.

It felt so great to host one of our traditional gallery hops after a maternity leave pause. Being back was a reminder of the beautiful community we have created and the excitement that we can bring.

Our latest gallery hop on June 22nd took full advantage of the vibrant art scene in Vancouver. We kicked off the tour at CICA Gallery, where curator Viahsta Yuan guided us through the “Toy Story” exhibition. There were many highlights in this exhibit including the works by American artist Kaws and the intricate skateboard sculptures by Japanese artist Haroshi. His GUZO series, crafted from recycled skate decks, stood out as an ode to the spirit of skateboarding and street culture, capturing the essence of marginalized communities and the rebellious creativity they embody.

Our exploration at CICA also introduced us to the whimsical paintings by Mr., another Japanese artist whose works are part of local Vancouver collectors’ treasures. It was a unique experience to see privately held artworks displayed publicly, enriching our appreciation for the city’s art-loving community. Additionally, we learned that the building housing CICA was built just two years after the Great Vancouver Fire of 1886, adding a layer of historical depth to our visit.

After our time at CICA, we strolled through Gastown, Vancouver’s first and oldest neighborhood. Known for its cobblestone streets, which were laid during the 1970s, and its charming mix of old and new, Gastown provided a picturesque backdrop for our walk. We appreciated learning about the area’s rich history and its significance in the city’s development.

Next, we ventured into Chinatown, where we explored the rich world of street art, graffiti, and tagging. Our walk led us to the Sun Wah Centre, a hub of creativity that pleasantly surprised our guests. Here, we were introduced to the artists in residence at Centre A, including Phoebe Bei, Kaila Bhullar, and Rawan Hassan, who shared insights into their upcoming exhibition, “Lacunae: The spaces that could be,” opening on July 11th. It was fascinating to hear about their artistic processes and the themes they plan to explore in their works.

The afternoon culminated at THIS gallery with the opening of Kirk Gower’s solo exhibition “The Anatomy of a Storm”. We were captivated by Kirk’s poignant portraits of his friends and evocative still lifes, each imbued with a sense of emotional depth and introspection. At THIS gallery we enjoyed a lovely social mingling session, complete with wine, non-alcoholic drinks, and snacks. This part of the hop is where the magic truly happens, as our guests got to know each other better and discussed the art they had seen throughout the day.

We’re grateful for the warm welcome and the enriching conversations with the gallerists, cultural workers, and artists who made this gallery hop memorable. We can’t wait for our next event and hope to see even more art enthusiasts join us!

Below are some images from our day taken by the wonderful Diana Verdugo