Monica Reyes Gallery | Guided Visit

March 12, 2020 at Monica Reyes Gallery

Join us on March 12th at Monica Reyes Gallery for a Guided Visit + Drinks of Christina Kenton’s exhibition Lucid Dreams of Vertigo. Kenton’s sculptures remind us of self-care and caring for others. Her works originate from the act of protecting a daily object in her life; lighters. About 10 years ago Kenton noticed how lighters left out in the cold became vulnerable and would stop working. To safeguard them, she began hand-sewing each case, applying a paper technique to give form to her sculptures (sometimes by wrapping a found object) and then meticulously painting flowing patterns onto the outer surface. Join us to hear from Gallerist Monica Reyes as she explains the intricacies of Kenton’s work and their therapeutic effects on their creator.