Art & Culture // Blog

Q & A: Dan Jackson

Pixel after pixel, artist Dan Jackson reimagines what his balcony view could look like if electric cables were pigmented in pastel colours or if the leaves on the young maple tree had already sprung. In this video he states that no matter what your heart needs, there’s an artist out there, creating work for you right now. He also reminds us to call our parents while we shelter in place!

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Studio Visit: Linda Männel

What appear to be colourful images are in fact black and white paintings with insertions of coloured yarn. Linda Männel’s works are a real chromatic ‘trompe l’oeil’. She shared insight into her process while she took us on a video tour and answered a few questions from her studio in Nürnberg, Germany.

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What is Surrealism?

For the past few days, walking down Robson street has been a jarring experience. What only weeks ago was a vibrant and bustling street in Vancouver, today is a deserted stretch where fashion and beauty flagships have emptied their locales or boarded up their doors and windows. The scene is surreal and the feeling is applicable to many other places in our city and beyond. But what exactly is Surrealism?

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Q & A: Annie Briard

While reflecting about her current work and projects on hold, Annie Briard sends us a positive message in regards to the isolation moment we are living and speaks about what art can offer during moments of crisis.

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Q & A: Dan Jackson

Pixel after pixel, artist Dan Jackson reimagines what his balcony view could look like if electric cables were pigmented in pastel colours or if the leaves on the young maple tree had already sprung. In this video he states that no matter what your heart needs, there’s an artist out there, creating work for you right now. He also reminds us to call our parents while we shelter in place!

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Studio Visit: Linda Männel

What appear to be colourful images are in fact black and white paintings with insertions of coloured yarn. Linda Männel’s works are a real chromatic ‘trompe l’oeil’. She shared insight into her process while she took us on a video tour and answered a few questions from her studio in Nürnberg, Germany.

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What is Surrealism?

For the past few days, walking down Robson street has been a jarring experience. What only weeks ago was a vibrant and bustling street in Vancouver, today is a deserted stretch where fashion and beauty flagships have emptied their locales or boarded up their doors and windows. The scene is surreal and the feeling is applicable to many other places in our city and beyond. But what exactly is Surrealism?

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Q & A: Annie Briard

While reflecting about her current work and projects on hold, Annie Briard sends us a positive message in regards to the isolation moment we are living and speaks about what art can offer during moments of crisis.

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